Praktisches Handbuch in Postkartengrösse A6, passt daher in jede Hosentasche oder Rucksack
Umschlag ist plastifiziert für Outdoor
47 Seiten mit fast 100 Codes, Übersetzungen, Listen, Alphabete und Verschlüsselungen
ROT47, ROT13, ROT5 | 3 | Sign language | 28 | |
Atbash | 4 | Special alphabets, Hebrew, Greek | 29 | |
Caesar | 4 | Armenian | 30 | |
Kamasutra | 4 | Cyrillic | 30 | |
Polybios 5 | 4 | Hieroglyphic | 31 | |
Polybios 6 | 4 | Japanese numbers | 31 | |
Vigenere-Quadrat | 5 | Mayan numbers | 32 | |
AVGAD cypher | 5 | Runealphabet | 33 | |
Freemason V1+2, Rosicrucian cypher | 6 | Anglo-saxon runes | 34 | |
GC code | 7 | Cirth | 34 | |
Bifid cipher | 7 | Dragon runes | 35 | |
Value/Hex/Dec/Oct/HTML/Nato/W.Union | 8 | Ogham or Celtic Tree apphabet | 35 | |
Binary | 9 | Moon-Alphabet | 36 | |
ASCII | 9 | Matorian alphabet | 36 | |
Murraycode (CCITT-2) | 10 | Visitor alphabet | 37 | |
Baudot (Telex) | 11 | Utopian alphabet | 37 | |
Prime numbers 1-1000 | 11 | Marain alphabet | 38 | |
HTML error codes | 12 | Alphabet of the Magi | 38 | |
Periodical system of elements | 13 | Kryptonian alphabet | 38 | |
PI | 14 | Malachim alphabeth | 39 | |
Eulers number | 14 | Hylian alphabet | 39 | |
Roman numbers | 14 | Enochian alphabet | 39 | |
Amino acids | 15 | Futurama alphabet | 40 | |
Betamaze code | 16 | Daggers alphabet | 40 | |
Alchemy time symbols | 16 | Atlantean alphabet | 40 | |
Musical notes | 17 | Deadric alphabet | 41 | |
Dancing man code (Sherlock Holmes ) | 18 | Klingon alphabet | 41 | |
Resistor / Colorcode | 18 | Passing the river alphabet | 42 | |
Puzzle code | 19 | Angelic alphabet | 42 | |
Semaphore / Winkeralphabet | 20 | Theban alphabet | 42 | |
Hexahue-Colorcode | 21 | Elvish | 43 | |
D’ni Numerals | 21 | Extra Tengwar | 44 | |
Flagcode | 22 | Tuvaluan alphabeth | 44 | |
Vanity / Keyboard | 23 | Sarati | 45 | |
Country ISO codes | 23 | Voynich alphabet | 46 | |
European zodiac | 24 | Tynisian knitting hats | 46 | |
Moons and planets of the solar system | 25 | Aquaria alphabet | 47 | |
Chinese Zodiac | 26 | Single needle telegraph | 47 | |
Morse | 27 | Aurek besh alphabet | 48 | |
Braille | 27 | Chinses alphabeth | 48 | |
Chinese numbers & fingers | 28 |
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